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How Botox Can Help TMJ And Headaches

TMJ sufferer wondering how Botox can help TMJ and headaches

Most people associate Botox with cosmetic procedures. However, it’s also something of a miracle drug, particularly for headaches and dental problems like temporomandibular disorder (TMJ). Xeomin, a variation of Botox, is an equally successful treatment for a range of dental issues. Botox and Xeomin are potent antidotes to tooth and jaw pain in modern dentistry.

Many people have never heard of TMJ. It’s a problem that affects the temporomandibular joint, which attaches the jawbone to the skull. TMJ can cause substantial discomfort, up to and including migraines. It can come and go, but whether it’s frequent or infrequent, it can significantly disrupt daily life. 

The skilled, dedicated professionals at Dental Designs of Maryland – Hanover, MD, can explain how Botox and Xeomin can help TMJ and headaches. Reach out today at 443.733.6879.

Botox for TMJ 

Many active sufferers of TMJ might not even know that they have the condition. Obviously, a diagnosis is necessary before individuals can understand how Botox for TMJ can help. Symptoms of TMJ can vary but almost always include the following: 

  • Tenderness or pain in the jaw – This is a widespread symptom. Discomfort often increases with jaw movement, like speaking
  • Aching in the ear or around the ear area – TMJ and ear problems share many symptoms, so it’s essential to consult a professional who can recognize TMJ
  • Discomfort while eating – TMJ disorders can often make chewing painful
  • Difficulty opening and closing the mouth – The jaw may temporarily lock up
  • Pain in the face – TMJ disorders can cause aching in the face
  • Grating or clicking sounds while moving the jaw

If you have any of these symptoms, reach out to your dentist so they can perform a thorough evaluation.

What Causes TMJ Disorders? 

Several issues cause TMJ disorders. Some common causes include:

  • Jaw injury – Any impact to the jaw, like a fall or other accident, can lead to TMJ disorders 
  • Erosion of the jaw disk – The jaw disk that bolsters movement of the temporomandibular joint will sometimes become misaligned or erode, which can result in TMJ symptoms 
  • Arthritis – Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis can harm TMJ joint cartilage 
  • Teeth grinding – This is a big one, as many people grind their teeth in sleep. This condition is also known as bruxism. It is usually treated with dental guards or mouth guards, which are worn during sleep. If teeth grinding is addressed sooner rather than later, it usually doesn’t cause problems. But long-term grinding can result in TMJ disorders 

Botox for tension headaches and TMJ relief can be a life-changing solution to these problems. The team at Dental Designs of Maryland – Hanover, MD, have seen this problem many times, so if you’re seeking relief, you’ll be in great hands. 

Botox TMJ Treatment for Headaches: Medicine That Works

How does Botox for tension headaches and TMJ relief work? Much like a dental anesthetic, Botox is injected directly into the site of TMJ discomfort. Unlike dental anesthetic, however, it blocks nerve signals and alleviates pain for a long time. One treatment usually lasts four to six months. When you consider the fact that there are twelve months in a year, it’s a win-win.

Botox injections are simple and quick. They are particularly effective because many TMJ symptoms will not respond to other treatment methods. Botox for tension headaches has been proven to be equally effective.

Call Dental Designs of Maryland – Hanover, MD, And Free Yourself of TMJ Discomfort 

If you’re struggling with TMJ disorders, act now. Relief from TMJ is just an appointment away. With an empathetic, skilled dental staff and groundbreaking medicine on your side, you can’t go wrong. Call Dental Designs of Maryland – Hanover, MD, at 443.733.6879 or contact us online today to learn how Botox and Xeomin can free you from TMJ-related discomfort.